During the making of my film i have leant about new technologies and what good creations
they can manufacture. I have divided these into different categories; filming
effectively using a camcorder, editing of film sequences and additional post
production skills such as; sound, special effects and adding titles.
Filming effectively using a camcorder:
Light is one of the essential part of filming and is
largely responsible for the way a film looks. It sets the tone of a
scene. It can also be used artistically representing
emotion and holding a meaning.
When doing research before doing any filming
I found out that i shout shoot the same part a few times, so that i have more to work with, up to
five times. I took this and used it whilst
filming and I'm very glad that I did as it certainly help me out.
This was because if a shot didn't fit in or was terrible quality I would have
had spare shots to use as a back up. i found this was true during my
filming because my shots didnt match and because i hadnt film something five
times i had to go and refilm, which did waste quite a bit of time that i could of used for editing.
Editing of film sequences:

In preparation of my film I made a
I used
a timeline of camera shots, dialect and sound. This was so I had a idea to
go by, putting the interruptions from my mind on to paper creating a step by
step guid. As filming started I started to see things from a different point
of view, it was as if I felt I had produced some good ideas already but they
were just 'good' not excellent like the ideas I came up with whilst looking
through the camera. I soon changed a few shots, angles and sounds and realised I
didn't have to stick side by side with my storyboard, it was only a bit of
gentle guidance in the end i changed most things on my storyboard.
Post production skills- sound:
spent time listening to songs by a few different artist. However,
as soon as I heard Chase amd statuses "end credits" I thought it was good for our film, it
fit well into the representation. I learnt including sound is one of the
most important elements in film making and that I shouldn't let my attention run
from this by classing it as a 'small detail'. I also picked up that adding sound
to a sequence adds emotion and rhythm, it also foreshadows the atmosphere. I was
happy with how my film turned out with the song we

Adding titles
was alot harder than I first expected, I have never before experinaced any sort
of film editing. Getting the titles in the right position was hard I had to get
the positioning and timing right, this was to match the non-dialect sound and sequence of
I have never paid much attention to the
rolling credits usually at the end of a movie but whist I have been creating I
have acknowledged them and realised what an important role they play, Learning
this really helped my project. Adding the credits was wasnt very time consuming.
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