Friday, 1 November 2013

codes and conventions

Thriller Codes and Convections.

Conventions of a Thriller; Mirrors, low key lighting, shadows, obtrusive editing, quick cuts, changes in camera angle, tension music, stairs, flashbacks, use of photographs, black and white, disorientation of time and space, montage editing Specific to psychological thrillers: two or more characters preying upon one another’s minds, deceptive mind games, trying to demolish each other’s mental state

The protagonist in these films is set against a problem; an escape, a mission, or a mystery. No matter what sub-genre a thriller film falls into, it will emphasize the danger that the protagonist faces. The cover-up of important information from the viewer, and fight and chase scenes are common methods in all of the thriller subgenres, although each subgenre has its own unique characteristics and methods.

Thriller films focus mainly on editing and sound. Editing in thrillers tend to be fast paced quick cuts. This is to create a sense of tension and suspense. Tension is very significant when it comes to a thriller.

Tension is very significant when it comes to a thriller.

The colours black and white are also conventions of a thriller, they bring a more dark and sinister feel to the movie. Shadows and lighting are also conventions they are exaggerated by the use of the colours black and white

The codes generally are fast paced camera angle changes which add that extra tension and mystery to the thriller. Thrillers usually have a great deal of action, cinematic landscapes or cityscapes or interior "mindscapes." For example in Hitchcock's “PSYCHO” Thrillers can be very dramatic even when they focus on someone's mind mainly in the psychological thriller


The two main characters  in a thriller are set apart from each other in the way the audience views them. The heroes in thrillers are often men that are accustomed to danger in their jobs or lifestyles or are ordinary citizens that have been pulled into danger by accident. The male hero usually has an aim to defeat the evil of the situation and will persevere even if nothing is going according to plan. The villains in thrillers are also typically men, usually tall and or well-built, and with a shady sense around them that gives the impression that they shouldn’t be trusted. This character may have some physical deformity, or a traumatic experience that has changed their outlook on life or humanity. Usually they will work alone.

      Other supporting characters are usually on the protagonist’s side and will attempt to help them although sometimes these characters will betray the hero and leave to support the villain or another third party; female roles are often innocent and helpless until her help is needed, when she will become the ‘saviour’ of the hero and support them.

What have i learnt?

From these code and convections i have learnt the general idea of a thriller movie. For example,
-There should be some eliment of danger.
-The films will be mainly based on a problem, a mission, an escape or a mystery.
-Tension is very important.
and many other things. I have also learnt alot about a character in a thriller movie, i have learnt that there should be roughly two main characters. The male roles are usually horeos and the women are usually the victums. i have also learnt that the villans are also normal male characters.

This research has helped me in making my film because it has given me a rough idea of what the theme should be like and given me a good idea of what the characters should be like.

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