Friday, 29 November 2013

Film Synopsis

Film Synopsis

Untitled from KayleighGill on Vimeo.

I did this film synopsis to give an overall idea of what our film is about. It also shows that i have thought about the idea for the rest of the film.

i have learnt from this exercise. i have learnt how to make a film synopsis and i have also learnt that it is important to give a breif overview of the rest of the film.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013



This story board is very helpful for doing the film because it gives me a guide of what happens when. However, we have made a few changed to our film. instead of the gang meeting in the bandstand the meet along the public path by the school. 

Friday, 8 November 2013

Audience research

Audience research

This is our questionaire for our Audience research, we have found a couple of people to fill then in for us.
These are our results..

These results were very useful because they gave us an overview of what people expect in a thriller movie and its shown us what people really know about thriller movies.

From this research i have learnt that people expect different things in a thriller, this has helped in creating our film because it hasnt given us the idea that we need to use a range of different things the saticfy everyone.
Here are a couple of pictures of people filling out this questionaire.

We got more than one person to fill in the questionnaire so that we had a range of different results.
Overall, by doing a questionaire it made it easier for us to come up with ideas for our film because people told us what they like and expect to see in different films. Therefore, we roughly knew what to add.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Regulation research

Regulation research

BBFC stands for 'British board of film classification'.

How does classification work:
 In order to protect children from unsuitable and even harmful content in films and videos and to give consumers information they might need about a particular film or video before deciding whether or not to view it, the BBFC examines and age rates films and videos before they are released.

There are a few different certifications. Such as.

U- The U symbol stands for Universal. 

PG -PG stands for Parental Guidance. 

12 & 12A- 12A means that anyone aged 12 or over can go and see the film unaccompanied. The A stands for 'accompanied'.

15- No-one under 15 is allowed to watch.

18-Films rated 18 are for adults.

The certificate of my film is 15.

This means that no-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a ‘15’ rated DVD.  15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age.
15 works are stronger than 12 or 12A rated works and could include any of the following:
strong violence frequent strong language, portrayals of sexual activities strong verbal references to sex sexual nudity brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence discriminatory language or behavior drug taking. However, our film cannot contain Gory horror, strong sexual nudity or strong bloody violence. This is because it is inappropriate for the target audience that our film is aimed at. 
Our film will be contain mild violence, it won't be as gory as a horror film. It doesn't contain any sexual nudity or sexual violence.

From doing this regulation research i have learnt about the different age restriction and which ages is appropriate to different film/ programs.

I have also learnt about what is appropriate to go in our film. This has helped alot while making our film because it tell us what is and isnt allowed in the film and what makes it good for the age we are aiming it at.

Texual Analysis.

Texual Analysis. 

 Brief description/ introduction:
The following texual analysis is crime thriller 'Good Fellas'
i am going to watch the film opening a few times so that i am filmiliar to what happens, so that i can analyes what happens in each shot, including camera shots, mise en scene, music, characters and settings. I will be writing down notes of each shot.

                                                                                .Black background
.Introducing the characters.
.No dialogue.
.Sound of a car.


. Black screen with 'This film is based on a true story'. by adding this makes the person watching more intrigued.
. Sound of a fast moving car.
. No dialogue.

. Wide shot of the back of the car.
. No dialogue.
. Sound of the car driving.

. Black background.
. 'New York, 1970' this tells us the setting of the film.
. No dialogue.
. Silent for a while, then the sounds of a car driving past.

. Shot of the characters, because they are the first characters we see, shows them as maybe the main characters.
. Close up of the driver, shows him as 'more important'.
. sounds- quiet banging coming from the boot.

. Dialogue- talking about the banging.                      

.Shot of the back of the car, implies that there is something in to because it is only a focused close up on the back.
.No dialogue.                                                                                


.Dressed in suites, which show that they have class.
. No dialogue at this point. Just the sound of the banging and wildlife in the background.  

. Shot of the person in the boot.
. Covered in blood, shows him as the victim.
. Dialogue, the man in the boot saying "no no no"

.The shot focuses on the character which implies that he is probably the main character.
 .No dialogue.
 .Smartly dressed, shows class.


The minimal dialogue from the actors in this first 2 minutes shows them as quite worried and the situation they are in.
The use of close up highlights the main parts of the scene.

From this opening scene i have learnt that, you dont need to involve alot in the first few minute, not much happens. Its is mainly about introducing the main characters and introducing the plot of the film.

Friday, 1 November 2013

codes and conventions

Thriller Codes and Convections.

Conventions of a Thriller; Mirrors, low key lighting, shadows, obtrusive editing, quick cuts, changes in camera angle, tension music, stairs, flashbacks, use of photographs, black and white, disorientation of time and space, montage editing Specific to psychological thrillers: two or more characters preying upon one another’s minds, deceptive mind games, trying to demolish each other’s mental state

The protagonist in these films is set against a problem; an escape, a mission, or a mystery. No matter what sub-genre a thriller film falls into, it will emphasize the danger that the protagonist faces. The cover-up of important information from the viewer, and fight and chase scenes are common methods in all of the thriller subgenres, although each subgenre has its own unique characteristics and methods.

Thriller films focus mainly on editing and sound. Editing in thrillers tend to be fast paced quick cuts. This is to create a sense of tension and suspense. Tension is very significant when it comes to a thriller.

Tension is very significant when it comes to a thriller.

The colours black and white are also conventions of a thriller, they bring a more dark and sinister feel to the movie. Shadows and lighting are also conventions they are exaggerated by the use of the colours black and white

The codes generally are fast paced camera angle changes which add that extra tension and mystery to the thriller. Thrillers usually have a great deal of action, cinematic landscapes or cityscapes or interior "mindscapes." For example in Hitchcock's “PSYCHO” Thrillers can be very dramatic even when they focus on someone's mind mainly in the psychological thriller


The two main characters  in a thriller are set apart from each other in the way the audience views them. The heroes in thrillers are often men that are accustomed to danger in their jobs or lifestyles or are ordinary citizens that have been pulled into danger by accident. The male hero usually has an aim to defeat the evil of the situation and will persevere even if nothing is going according to plan. The villains in thrillers are also typically men, usually tall and or well-built, and with a shady sense around them that gives the impression that they shouldn’t be trusted. This character may have some physical deformity, or a traumatic experience that has changed their outlook on life or humanity. Usually they will work alone.

      Other supporting characters are usually on the protagonist’s side and will attempt to help them although sometimes these characters will betray the hero and leave to support the villain or another third party; female roles are often innocent and helpless until her help is needed, when she will become the ‘saviour’ of the hero and support them.

What have i learnt?

From these code and convections i have learnt the general idea of a thriller movie. For example,
-There should be some eliment of danger.
-The films will be mainly based on a problem, a mission, an escape or a mystery.
-Tension is very important.
and many other things. I have also learnt alot about a character in a thriller movie, i have learnt that there should be roughly two main characters. The male roles are usually horeos and the women are usually the victums. i have also learnt that the villans are also normal male characters.

This research has helped me in making my film because it has given me a rough idea of what the theme should be like and given me a good idea of what the characters should be like.